Course Redesign ePortfolio Showcase
Explore the open teaching ePortfolios that capture faculty’s course redesign experiences and accomplishments. Each ePortfolio opens the faculty’s and institution’s practices for others to learn, adopt, and adapt for their own instructional needs.
e-Portfolio Title | Author | Campus |
Business Calculus Using Supplemental Instruction and Clickers
In Business Calculus, we will restructure our course from a 4-credit (3-hours of large lecture, 1-hour of lab) format to a 3-credit (2-hours of large lecture, 2-hours of lab) format, at the request of the College of Business. Our past projects in Math 115 included a focus on providing individualized remediation for students who have not had mathematics in a long time, and on increasing the relevance of the content, technology and pedagogy, following the recommendations of the CUPM for Business and Management. Now, we strive to maintain these and expand on them as we change the materials to accommodate the new format. The new 3-unit Math 115 will run for the first time in Fall 2015. Spring 2015 will be dedicated to preparations for this change. |
Barbee, Ladera | CSU Long Beach |
Redesign Business Calculus with Lecture and Lab
In Business Calculus, we restructure our course from a 4-credit (3 hours of lecture 1 hour of lab) format to a 3-credit (two hours of large lecture, 2 hours of lab) format, at the request of the College of Business. Our past projects in Math 115 included a focus on providing individualized remediation for students who have not had mathematics in a long time, and on increasing the relevance of the content, technology and pedagogy, following the recommendations of the CUPM for Business and Management. Now, we strive to maintain these and expand on them as we change the materials to accommodate the new format. The new 3-unit Math 115 will run for the first time in Fall 2015. Spring 2015 will be dedicated to preparations for this change. |
Newberger, Florence | CSU Long Beach |
Business Calculus Using Supplemental Instruction and Clickers
Since 2011, the Businss Calculus at CSULB has been taught with a hybrid model, established in The NGLC Hybrid Model Math Consortium Project. Our goal was to support student learning of the mathematical content as well as the obtaining the math skills relevant to a business career. |
Ziemer, William | CSU Long Beach |
Flipping a Precalculus Class
The Precalculus class at CSULB is currently taught in a large lecture format with the Northridge Hybrid Model. Assessment data collected and analyzed in conjuction with our redesigned Calculus 1 course have shown that the redesigned Precalculus class has had a positive effect on student performance and instructor effectiveness. In particular, pass rate for all Math 113 sections (all redesigned) in Fall 2013 was 75.1%, which brings the DFW failure rate below 30%. In addition, internal studies have shown that students with an A in Math 113 were three times as likely to pass Calculus 1 as students that pass Math 113 with a C. Consequently, improving the retention of STEM majors through their entire Calculus sequence hinges upon students' mastery of course material at this level. To this end, I decided to implement a flipped classroom hoping to increase students' exposure to doing and communicating mathematics and deepen their understanding of key concepts. Student's typical learning cycle includes exposing to materials with short (10~20 minute) videos with closed captions prior to class meetings, completing an instructor-led group quiz by the end of the class, and doing an optional online homework for students who want the extra practice. On an average day, rough 80% of the students attend classes. The midterm averages are comparable to other sections of Math 113 adopting the original Hybrid Model while students in the flippd class demonstrated a superior accumulation of content on the cumulative common final exam. An analysis of students' attitude changes during the course of the semester indicated that the students were intellectually challenged by the in-class tasks, experienced a change in their perspectives on the problem-solving process, and enjoyed learning with others on math-related tasks. The end-of-semester perception survey results indicated that a majority of the students enjoyed learning in the flipped class and left the class with many meta-skills such as time management, independent learning, and teamwork. |
Chang, Jen-Mei | CSU Long Beach |
MATH 123 Redesign with Adaptive Learning Homework
This course, like its prerequisite MATH 122 (Calculus I), traditionally has a very low success rate; the two act as a severe bottleneck for the academic programs of students in STEM fields. MATH 123 is taught each semester in 10 or so small sections, and we do not have a departmental mandate to impose pedagogical changes within the classroom We do have historical data that identify students as ``at risk" based on past courses and exam scores. We aim to increase student success through a coordinated combination of online homework sets, weekly remediation for the at-risk students, and milestone examinations. |
Brevik, John; Chesler, Josh; Li, Xuhui | CSU Long Beach |
Flipping Business Calculus
This redesign made use of the Adobe Captivate 7 (eLearning development software) to create 7-12 minute modules for student engagement prior to class. Students are able to access the modules through iOS mobile devices and personal computers. Each short module presented one topic only related to the necessary mathematical background knowledge needed to solve problems presented in the next class period. Each module contained interactive examples and quizzes with immediate feedback. Upon entering class, students are required to turn in a daily "Ticket-In-the-door" that reflects and summarizes the online module. Class time now is less about lecture and more about student led discussion. Students are no longer struggling with keeping up and writing notes but rather involved with solving one or two mathematical problems together. This leads to the important feature of this environment. The flipped learning environment allows the instructor to walk around the classroom, check for understanding and provide students, especially struggling students, with a personalized learning environment. |
Ichinose, Cherie; Lee, Charles; Qian, Maijian; Ward, Amy | CSU Fullerton |
Flipping Pre-Calculus (Math 125) with Online Modules
This redesign made use of the Adobe Captivate 7 (eLearning development software) to create 7-12 minute modules for student engagement prior to class. Students are able to access the modules through iOS mobile devices and personal computers. Each short module presented one topic only related to the necessary mathematical background knowledge needed to solve problems presented in the next class period. Each module contained interactive examples and quizzes with immediate feedback. Upon entering class, students are required to turn in a daily "Ticket-In-the-door" that reflects and summarizes the online module. Class time now is less about lecture and more about student led discussion. Students are no longer struggling with keeping up and writing notes but rather involved with solving one or two mathematical problems together. This leads to the important feature of this environment. The flipped learning environment allows the instructor to walk around the classroom, check for understanding and provide students, especially struggling students, with a personalized learning environment. |
Ichinose, Cherie | CSU Fullerton |
Redesign Math 30/40 Intermediate Algebra with Active Learning
We cover the material in Developmental Mathematics with a different pedagogical approach that includes less time lecturing and more time on small-group work. Students work and collaborate to complete worksheets that seek to address foundational deficiencies in a more global approach. |
Martinez-Cruz, Armando; Behseta, Sam | CSU Fullerton |
MATH 123 Redesign with Adaptive Learning Homework
This course, like its prerequisite MATH 122 (Calculus I), traditionally has a very low success rate; the two act as a severe bottleneck for the academic programs of students in STEM fields. MATH 123 is taught each semester in 10 or so small sections, and we do not have a departmental mandate to impose pedagogical changes within the classroom. We aim to increase student success through a coordinated combination of online homework sets, weekly remediation for the at-risk students, and milestone examinations. |
Brevik, John; Chesler, Josh; Li, Xuhui; Murray, Will | CSU Long Beach |
MATH 122 Redesign with Adaptive Learning Homework
This course traditionally has a very low success rate and acts as a bottleneck for the academic programs of students in STEM fields. It is taught each semester in 10 or so small sections, and we do not have a departmental mandate to impose pedagogical changes within the classroom We do have historical data that identify studenst as ``at risk" based on past courses and exam scores. We aim to increase student success through a coordinated combination of online homework sets, weekly remediation for the at-risk students, and milestone examinations. |
Zhou, Tanni | CSU Long Beach |
MATH 123 Redesign with Adaptive Learning Homework
This course, like its prerequisite MATH 122 (Calculus I), traditionally has a very low success rate; the two act as a severe bottleneck for the academic programs of students in STEM fields. MATH 123 is taught each semester in 10 or so small sections, and we do not have a departmental mandate to impose pedagogical changes within the classroom. We aim to increase student success through a coordinated combination of online homework sets, weekly remediation for the at-risk students, and milestone examinations. |
Chesler, Josh | CSU Long Beach |
MATH 122 Redesign with Adaptive Learning Homework
This course traditionally has a very low success rate and acts as a bottleneck for the academic programs of students in STEM fields. It is taught each semester in 10 or so small sections, and we do not have a departmental mandate to impose pedagogical changes within the classroom. We do have historical data that identify students as "at risk" based on past courses and exam scores. We aim to increase student success through a coordinated combination of online homework sets, weekly remediation (in the form of supplemental instruction sessions) for the at-risk students, and milestone examinations. |
Merryfield, Kent | CSU Long Beach |
MATH 123 Redesign with Adaptive Learning Homework
This course, like its prerequisite MATH 122 (Calculus I), traditionally has a very low success rate; the two act as a severe bottleneck for the academic programs of students in STEM fields. MATH 123 is taught each semester in 10 or so small sections, and we do not have a departmental mandate to impose pedagogical changes within the classroom We do have historical data that identify students as ``at risk" based on past courses and exam scores. We aim to increase student success through a coordinated combination of online homework sets, weekly remediation for the at-risk students, and milestone examinations. |
Murray, Will | CSU Long Beach |
Linear Algebra with Clickers
The goal of the redesign project is to increase student engagement in the learning process by fostering an interactive learning environment through the use of an integrated teaching delivery system using slides, interactive notes, and i>Clickers. A main component of the redesign is the incorporation of a set of deliberately incomplete class notes that mirror the lecture slides prepared by the instructor. Gaps have been left in the notes, mainly in examples, and are to be filled in by the students during the lectures. The notes eliminate the need for students to hastily copy lecture notes and instead increase their concentration on the material being taught. |
Aguilar, Cesar | CSU Bakersfield |
ME340 Dynamical Systems with Online Homework and Clickers
This course serves as a pre-requisites to many important senior-level ME core courses in the curriculum such as Mechanical Vibrations, Mechanical Measurements, Control Systems, and Acoustics and Noise Control. Failure of this course will impede students' educational path towards graduation. It is observed that students often have a hard time visualizing abstract concepts.This course is mathematically intense, and thus create additional challenges. The objective of this proposal is to enhance students' learning through use of simulation software and technology to assist students in understanding and visualizing course concepts, and thus to shorten time to degree and increase graduation rate of Mechanical Engineering students. |
Chen, Chris | Cal Poly Pomona |
MATH 122 Redesign with Adaptive Learning Homework
This course traditionally has a very low success rate and acts as a bottleneck for the academic programs of students in STEM fields. It is taught each semester in 10 or so small sections, and we do not have a departmental mandate to impose pedagogical changes within the classroom We do have historical data that identify studenst as ``at risk" based on past courses and exam scores. We aim to increase student success through a coordinated combination of online homework sets, weekly remediation for the at-risk students, and milestone examinations. |
Suaray, Kagba | CSU Long Beach |
Precalculus Algebra Using Active Learning
We utilize a hybrid model to teach what is usually a large lecture Precalculus Algebra class in a smaller "Active Learning" class setting. Our goals are to improve student persistence within the course, as well as student preparation for subsequent courses, such as the Calculus sequence. These goals are particulary crucial in spring semesters, as historically, a significant fraction of students that take the course in the spring failed to complete or pass the course in the previous fall. This course is also prerequisite for other courses in other disciplines, including chemistry and kinesiology. Increasing the quality of student engagement through the incorporation of technology for initial and ongoing assessment, as well as instant in-lecture feedback and emphasis on group work has led to positive impact on passing rates. Finally, we were able to incorporate robust supplemental instruction and academic advising in response to student performance on initial assessment, and are tracking student retention of core competencies in subsequent courses. This implementation has shown potential as an effective remedy for students at high risk of failing the course. |
Suaray, Kagba | CSU Long Beach |
Flipping College Algebra
This redesign made use of the Adobe Captivate 7 (eLearning development software) to create 7-12 minute modules for student engagement prior to class. Students are able to access the modules through iOS mobile devices and personal computers. Each short module presented one topic only related to the necessary mathematical background knowledge needed to solve problems presented in the next class period. Each module contained interactive examples and quizzes with immediate feedback. Upon entering class, students are required to turn in a daily "Ticket-In-the-door" that reflects and summarizes the online module. Class time now is less about lecture and more about student led discussion. Students are no longer struggling with keeping up and writing notes but rather involved with solving one or two mathematical problems together. This leads to the important feature of this environment. The flipped learning environment allows the instructor to walk around the classroom, check for understanding and provide students, especially struggling students, with a personalized learning environment. |
Ichinose, Cherie | CSU Fullerton |
DS 71 Quantitative Analysis with Online Quizzes and Tutoring
We have designed and developed practice quizzes using nearly 400 questions that help students master concepts necessary to achieve student learning objectives in a quantitative analysis course. The quizzes can be taken as many times as needed with different questions in each quiz. We believe student engagement is enhanced and learning improved and will testing this hypothesis. |
Chaffe-Stengel, Priscilla | CSU Fresno |
Redesign Math 30P with Clickers and WebAssign Online Homework
Math 30P has traditionally been a very challenging course more many of the students who take it. Taught as a lecture class, there has typically been fairly limited opportunity for instructors to guide students as they grapple with course concepts. The goal of this project is to examine the potential of in-class and out-of-class supports to enhance student success. In particular, the project is designed to assess the value of technology-enhanced in-class activities (e.g., clicker-based discussions and quizzes) as well as course-aligned workshops. |
Zabric, Eva | San Jose State |
ALEKS Remediation and SI for Calculus
We have chosen a two-pronged approach to improving student achievement in Calculus 1. First, we offer a preparation for calculus course through the ALEKS system for students to complete within the first six weeks of the semester. This supplement is designed to refresh and improve students' prerequisite knowledge. Secondly, throughout the semester, we offer students to participate in Supplemental Instruction for two hours per week. |
Coughlin, Heather | CSU Stanislaus |
A Problem Solving Approach to Pre-Calculus with Active Learning
At CSUDH, many students are not getting through key Mathematics courses that are required for most STEM majors. Pass rates in MAT 153 (Pre-Calculus) are low (79.2% of all students, calendar years 2009-2013). In addition, only 74.3% of CSUDH freshmen STEM majors persist into their second year. Redesigning this critical gateway course will support the advancement and retention of both freshmen and non-freshmen STEM students. To address these needs, faculty began to redesign the MAT153 (Pre-Calculus) course in Fall 2014 using classroom strategies including active learning, standards based grading, problem solving, frequent assessment and digital tools and resources for students. |
Lanaghan, Sharon | CSU Dominguez Hills |
A Problem Solving Approach to Pre-Calculus with Active Learning
At CSUDH, many students are not getting through key Mathematics courses that are required for most STEM majors. Pass rates in MAT 153 (Pre-Calculus) are low (79.2% of all students, calendar years 2009-2013). In addition, only 74.3% of CSUDH freshmen STEM majors persist into their second year. Redesigning this critical gateway course will support the advancement and retention of both freshmen and non-freshmen STEM students. To address these needs, faculty began to redesign the MAT153 (Pre-Calculus) course in Fall 2014 using classroom strategies including active learning, standards based grading, problem solving, frequent assessment and digital tools and resources for students. |
Nguyen, Gia | CSU Dominguez Hills |
Active and Engaged Learning in MATH 143 Calculus III
In this project, I seek to improve student success and engage students more actively in the learning process. I will record screencasts of mini-lectures online for students to watch prior to class sessions, and will develop active-learning materials for students to work on in small groups during class sessions. |
Paquin, Dana | Cal Poly San Luis Obispo |
Flipping Strategies of Proof
This project will redesign Math 280 Strategies of Proof, one of the required core courses in the mathematics major, to implement a flipped classroom model. The project involves creating video lectures on the course material that students will view outside of class while class time will be dedicated to working on homework assignments in groups. |
Solheid, Ernie | CSU Fullerton |
Student Success in Business Calculus Using Clickers & ALEKS
In the 2015-16 School year, we implement, analyze and revise materials for a new format, which has 2 50-minute large lectures per week, and one 2-hour lab per week. Materials include lecture notes, On-line homework problems (written in house), iclicker questions, videos, Excel projects, and lab materials. We focus our redesign efforts around improving the allignment between our student learning outcomes with our course materials and exams. |
Newberger, Florence | CSU Long Beach |
Supplemental Instruction with Elementary Algebra
The course redesign will implement a supplemental instruction (SI) model with an enhanced curriculum that includes assignments for students to develop learning skills, such as metacognition. There are three sections in Spring 2016, each with a different SI model. Building off of an existing NSF grant, we are using three Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) facilitators. We also have an inexperienced tutor from the MLSK department. In two sections the SI lab is required. In one of these sections the SI is led by two PAL facilitators while in the other section the SI is led by one PAL facilitator with assistance from the MLSK tutor. In the third section the SI is optional, and no facilitators assigned - students have access to drop-in tutoring labs. |
McCurry, Leslie | CSU Sacramento |
Problem Solving Approach to Pre-Calculus with Active Learning
At CSUDH, many students are not getting through key Mathematics courses that are required for most STEM majors. Pass rates in MAT 153 (Pre-Calculus) are low (79.2% of all students, calendar years 2009-2013). In addition, only 74.3% of CSUDH freshmen STEM majors persist into their second year. Redesigning this critical gateway course will support the advancement and retention of both freshmen and non-freshmen STEM students. To address these needs, faculty began to redesign the MAT153 (Pre-Calculus) course in Fall 2014 using classroom strategies including active learning, standards based grading, problem solving, frequent assessment and digital tools and resources for students. |
Jones, Matthew | CSU Dominguez Hills |
Increasing MATH 123 Success through Online Homework and Coordinated Remediation
This course, like its prerequisite MATH 122 (Calculus I), traditionally has a very low success rate; the two act as a severe bottleneck for the academic programs of students in STEM fields. MATH 123 is taught each semester in 10 or so small sections, and we do not have a departmental mandate to impose pedagogical changes within the classroom. We do have historical data that identify students as "at risk" based on past courses and exam scores. Based on initial success with the analogous MATH 122 redesign (, we aim to increase student success through a coordinated combination of online homework sets, weekly remediation for the at-risk students, and milestone examinations. |
Murray, Will | CSU Long Beach |
Early Intervention Advising with Technology in Calculus
Continuing to improve our Redesign for Calculus I and Calculus II we introduce pre-testing in the first week of class. This test is administered online through WebAssign, the homework software system used in the redesigned class. Results of the test are thus immediately available, and we provide data to the advising centers College of Natural Science and Mathematics Academic Advising Center and the College of Engineering Student Success Center. The Centers use our information together with information from other core courses to identify students who show signs of struggling and provide advising and support for them early in the semester. |
Lee, Chung-min | CSU Long Beach |
Incorporating Supplemental Instruction in the Course Redesign for Calculus II
We are working with peer assisted mentoring programs to strengthen educational materials with the goal of increasing student understanding of the core concepts of Calculus II. The goal of the course redesign is to reduce DFW rates and convince students of the importance of peer study early in their college careers. |
Pigno, Vincent | CSU Sacramento |
College Algebra Flipped Classroom for Student Engagement
This redesign made use of the Adobe Captivate 7 (eLearning development software) to create 7-12 minute modules for student engagement prior to class. Students are able to access the modules through iOS mobile devices and personal computers. Each short module presented one topic only related to the necessary mathematical background knowledge needed to solve problems presented in the next class period. Each module contained interactive examples and quizzes with immediate feedback. Upon entering class, students are required to turn in a daily "Ticket-In-the-door" that reflects and summarizes the online module. Class time now is less about lecture and more about student led discussion. Students are no longer struggling with keeping up and writing notes but rather involved with solving one or two mathematical problems together. This leads to the important feature of this environment. The flipped learning environment allows the instructor to walk around the classroom, check for understanding and provide students, especially struggling students, with a personalized learning environment. |
Ichonise, Cherie | CSU Fullerton |
Supplemental Instruction for Calculus I
I plan to adopt and adapt the proven CSU model to train our supplementary instruction students. I will design the curriculum for the supplementary instruction sessions. |
Shanbrom, Corey | CSU Sacramento |
Early Intervention Advising for Student Success using Technology for Calculus I
Continuing to improve our Redesign for Calculus I, we introduce pre-testing in the first week of class. This test is administered online through WebAssign, the homework software system used in the redesigned class. Results of the test are thus immediately available, and we provide data to the advising centers College of Natural Science and Mathematics Academic Advising Center and the College of Engineering Student Success Center. The Centers use our information together with information from other core courses to identify students who show signs of struggling and provide advising and support for them early in the semester. |
Brevik, John | CSU Long Beach |
Active and Engaged Learning with Technology in Mathematics for Engineering Students
Hundreds of engineering students enroll in Linear Analysis 1 each quarter, as it is a required class for their majors. This support class has been streamlined to incorporate what is typically two quarters' worth of material (Linear Algebra and Ordinary Differential Equations) into one quarter. The density and quantity of material in Linear Analysis 1, while crucial to each student's success in his or her respective major, make the course difficult for both the professor and the students. The fast pace does not allow students to absorb concepts deeply and instructors have insufficient time to cover the depth and breadth of topics. This course redesign will restructure the students' learning environment in multiple ways, using technology to provide frequent and immediate feedback, more available resources, and more time in class for active, engaged learning assignments. |
Lin, Joyce | Cal Poly San Luis Obispo |
Using Technology for Visualization in Calculus III
An often cited reason for student difficulty is the multidimensional visualization that must accompany the analytical and numerical problem solving. Technology offers promising tools to help students with this visualization. A redesign of Calculus III using visualization software and customized models constructed on a 3d printer provides learners visual and kinesthetic experiences. |
Zeigler, David | CSU Sacramento |
Technology to Increase Student Success in Intermediate Algebra
This redesign made use of the Adobe Captivate 7 (eLearning development software) to create online modules for ESM 040 (Intermediate Algebra). The CSU system recently enacted a policy known as "Early Start" requiring incoming students who do not demonstrate readiness for college-level math and/or English to begin remediation during the summer before coming to the CSU. The goals of Early Start are to better prepare students in math and English before their first semester, thereby improving their chances of completing a college degree. Students are able to access the modules through iOS mobile devices and personal computers. |
Kidd, Margaret | CSU Fullerton |
College Algebra Meets Biology: Flipping with Zaption and Focus on Algebra & Study Skills
The current College Algebra course was redesigned for Life Science majors. We focused our redesign on the following aspects of the course: Introduction of biology applications and focus on mathematical concepts relevant to life sciences majors; assessment of incoming algebra skills and strengthening of algebra skills through active learning in the workshop component; proper mathematics studying skills to improve retention of skills and concepts to increase student success in subsequent courses; use of videos enhanced with Zaption for flipping the classroom. |
Heubach, Silvia | CSU Los Angeles |
College Algebra Meets Biology: Flipping with Zaption
The current College Algebra course will be redesigned for Life Science majors. We focused our redesign on the following aspects of the course: Introduction of biology applications and focus on mathematical concepts relevant to life sciences majors; assessment of incoming algebra skills and strengthening of algebra skills through active learning in the workshop component; proper mathematics studying skills to improve retention of skills and concepts to increase student success in subsequent courses; use of videos enhanced with Zaption for flipping the classroom. |
Hung, Sheng | CSU Los Angeles |
College Algebra Meets Biology: Flipping with Zaption and Focus on Algebra Study Skills
The current College Algebra course will be redesigned for Life Science majors. We will focus our redesign on the following aspects of the course: Introduction of biology applications and focus on mathematical concepts relevant to life sciences majors; assessment of incoming algebra skills and strengthening of algebra skills through active learning in the workshop component; proper mathematics studying skills to improve retention of skills and concepts to increase student success in subsequent courses; use of videos enhanced with Zaption for flipping the classroom. |
Arcos, Carlos | CSU Los Angeles |
Elementary Algebra with Supplemental Instruction
This course redesign implemented a supplemental instruction (SI) model with an enhanced curriculum that includes assignments for students to develop learning skills, such as metacognition. There were three sections in Spring 2016, each with a different SI model. Building off of an existing NSF grant, we are used two Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) facilitators. We also had an inexperienced tutor from the Math Learning Skills department. In two sections, the SI lab is required. In one of these required SI lab sections, the SI was led by two PAL facilitators, while in the other section the SI was led by one MLSK tutor. In the third section, the SI was optional and no facilitators assigned - students had access to drop-in tutoring labs and time dedicated to MLSK lab in their course schedule. |
Ives, Sarah | CSU Sacramento |
Rethinking Developmental Mathematics using Video and Active Learning
Developmental mathematics takes a lot of financial and temporal resources for the students and universities. This redesign unpacks an approach to building procedural fluency and algebraic conceptual development. This course could be implemented at the high school settings to reduce remediation at the community colleges and universities. |
Pan, Ravin | CSU Sacramento |
Math Course Redesign with Flipped Classroom and Learning Assistants
PreCalculus Mathematics is a course that serves as a barrier to degree completion for a large number of students who need to take Calculus as a major requirement. Students are placed into PreCalculus based on results of the Calculus Readiness Test (CRT). While it does qualify for GE credit, the course is not a major requirement for any majors on campus. This course redesign implemented elements of a flipped classroom in order to provide more time during lecture hours to focus on small group work with the use of Learning Assistants (LAs) to facilitate learning. |
Bailey, Paul | CSU Chico |
Learning Glass and Team-Based Learning in Methods of Applied Mathematics
Methods of Applied Mathematics I is a required course in various STEM majors, and forms part of a triple bottleneck in Physics. This CRT project aims to consolidate an active learning approach to teach Methods of Applied Mathematis I (MATH 342A). The course has a flipped structure that combines online Learning Glass lectures with in-class Team-Based Learning. The Aligned Activities document integrates the learning goals, activities, and resources for each class. Students use this document to prepare for the class using archived online lectures, lecture notes, the textbook, basic exercises, and online homework. In class, students work in more challenging problems as a team. Each team is permanent thteams to produce a consensus version of the homework and solve additional problems as a group. |
Luque, Antoni | San Diego State |
Flipped Classroom and Supplemental Instruction For PreCalculus Course Redesign
I plan to utilize Supplemental Instruction as well as a flipped classroom approach as part of the redesign of the course. The focus will be to create videos that will be accessible at all times to assist in learning the concepts that are in alignment with the SLO's. The daily and long term assessments will determine how well the concepts are being learned. |
Somayajulu, Ravi | CSU Fresno |
Introduction to Linear Algebra - Supplemental Instruction & Technology
We seek the increase student engagement and time-on-task, using several proposed modalities: (1) Supplemental Instruction; (2) i>Clicker in-class technology for attendance / engagement / quizzes; (3) Mediasite Recorded Lectures; and (4) Increased on-line homework. Post-proposal, we also introduced the following: (a) Learning Glass videos of solved problems; additionally (i) we have collected a wide selection of NO-COST open textbooks and online video resources, and have started migrating the course to a very low-, or no-cost format. |
Blomgren, Peter | San Diego State |
Using 3D Manipulatives in Calculus 2
We propose to design a more inclusive instructional approach for the calculus sequence, specifically targeting Calculus 2. Using cutting-edge technology, we will incorporate a pedagogical method that allows tactile senses for learners who better grasp concepts in physical form, rather than as 2D representations. |
Lin, Joyce | Cal Poly San Luis Obispo |
College Algebra Course Redesign for Student Engagement
The goal of this project is to increase student engagement by avoiding the traditional lecture format. In order to accomplish this, we will flip the classroom to include lecture, reading, and video outside of class. Ensuring the students perform this pre-work, "ticket in the door" assignments and scoring will be included. In-class activities will be group-based problem solving and sharing. Homework assignments will be somewhat shorter to account for the out-of-class time and the fact that they will be doing in-class activities other than just the homework. |
Orloff, Mai | CSU San Marcos |
Making Calculus Concepts Concrete with 3D Manipulatives Course Redesign to Improve Student Concept Retention
Our goal is to improve (i) student comprehension of concepts from calculus, and (ii) student's skill with application of these concepts to various types of problems. The technology-enhanced method we propose is the incorporation of 3D manipulatives which illustrate these ideas. Many fundamental ideas in calculus involve idealized curves, surfaces, and solids which are unfamiliar to beginning calculus students, and an inability to visualize these objects can hamper student success. Providing a kinesthetic learning avenue for nonvisual learners will help develop intuition and, later on, technical precision. |
Pearse, Erin | Cal Poly San Luis Obispo |
Active and Engaged Learning with Technology in PreCalculus Course
The redesign will incorporate team projects into the course. Collaborative assignments and projects in Pre-Calculus course will help students to get a better idea of how the mathematics and science disciplines connect with real world applications that are involved in daily life. As many students in this class are undeclared freshmen, projects could help them appreciate the material through hands-on experiences. It will help them to feel the importance of math and science as related to everyday life, and perhaps it will define their career goals. Also, students will implement their Pre-Calculus knowledge in the team-based research projects developing greater academic interest in STEM disciplines. |
Tivy, Anna | CSU Channel Islands |
Calculus for the Life Sciences: Growth Mindset and Active Learning
MATH 124 aims to provide calculus skills and abilities to students in the life sciences. There are two issues that needed immediate attention in the course. First, low enrollment: In the academic year 2015–2016, the original course format served 25–30% of students compared to 2014-2015; this represented just 21% of the population of freshmen students in biology, although MATH 124 is a requirement for students in biology and other life sciences majors. Second, repeatable grades: In the two past academic years the average percentage of repeatable grades was 57%. Thus, it was key to redesign MATH 124 to reach a more sustainable balance for the undergraduate biology program. We addressed these two issues by revising the content of the course and aligning it better with key learning outcomes required for students in the life sciences. Online material (lecture notes, online videos, and practice problems) were developed as resources, and class time was combined with a hands-on computational lab for training, practice, discussion, and scaffolding using team activities. |
Luque, Antoni | San Diego State |
Precalculus Course Redesign for Student Success
Precalculus is the number one math course on your campus for D/F/NC for both the total student population as well as Non-white Hispanic/Other student groups. Since it is a gateway course for science courses/majors such as chemistry and physics, it disqualifies many of these students from starting their desired program and eventually hinders them from completing these programs within 4 years. There are many of these students who require multiple attempts in precalculus before success is achieved. This rate of repeating students effects the available of the course for incoming freshman as it is in high demand. Finally, the pace of course is highly demanding. This contributes to the NC grade choice which means students plan to recycle to the next semester in hopes of improving their outcome |
Magner, Philip | CSU Stanislaus |
Trigonometry Redesign with Learning Assistants and Flipped Classroom
As a chemistry class, a major part of understanding the difficult lecture concepts is being able to perform experiments and analyze the data produced. The laboratory is the place where the theories discussed in lecture can come to life and allow students to be fully immersed in the scientific process. To fully improve student success in this chemistry class, the laboratory should not be ignored. The lecture and laboratory should be cohesive in the topics that are discussed and the technologies that are employed. Therefore, this redesign will be focused on blending virtual, pre-experimental preparation and wet-chemistry experiments performed in a laboratory setting. |
Bailey, Paul | CSU Chico |
Reallocating Time in Second Semester Calculus through Course Redesign
By the use of recorded video content and digital interactives, students will learn procedural and conceptual calculus knowledge. This will allow some class sessions to be problem-oriented, with students working individually and in small groups on challenging problems which will deepen their understanding of the content. |
Lindaman, Brian | CSU Chico |
Calculus with Standards Based Grading and Active Learning Using Technology
At CSUDH, Calculus I is an entry level mathematics course for many STEM majors. Despite its importance in STEM students' path toward graduation, pass rates in the course have typically been low, with only 60.9% of students earning a C or better in the 2015-2016 academic year. Many students lack both content pre-requisite skills and 21st century learning skills (critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating, and collaborating) required for success in the course and in their future STEM courses. Our redesign will use standards based grading, active learning with technology and the use of Peer Led Team Learning Leaders (PLTL) to help students identify and remediate skill gaps, offer students multiple ways to interact with content, and give them opportunities to develop communication and collaboration skills. |
Lanaghan, Sharon | CSU Dominguez Hills |
Active Learning Strategies for Calculus using Academic Technology
Our redesign will combine Active Learning strategies together with free technology resources in order to promote greater student success. |
Oliver, Jesus | CSU East Bay |
Olkin, Julia
Our redesign efforts will combine Active Learning strategies with free technology resources in order to promote greater student success. |
Olkin, Julia | CSU East Bay |
Active Learning in Calculus Course Redesign
My redesign efforts combine Active Learning strategies, free and open-source textbooks, workbooks, and homework systems, and a variety of other resources to create an interactive learning environment. |
Yap, Shirley | CSU East Bay |
Flipping Calculus: Increasing Calculus Student Engagment through a Flipped Classroom
This redesign made use of the Adobe Captivate 7 (eLearning development software) to create 7-12 minute modules for student engagement prior to class. Students are able to access the modules through iOS mobile devices and personal computers. Each short module presented one topic only related to the necessary mathematical background knowledge needed to solve problems presented in the next class period. Each module contained interactive examples and quizzes with immediate feedback. Upon entering class, students are required to turn in a daily "Ticket-In-the-door" that reflects and summarizes the online module. Class time now is less about lecture and more about student led discussion. Students are no longer struggling with keeping up and writing notes but rather involved with solving one or two mathematical problems together. This leads to the important feature of this environment. The flipped learning environment allows the instructor to walk around the classroom, check for understanding and provide students, especially struggling students, with a personalized learning environment. |
Ichinose, Cherie | CSU Fullerton |
Flipping Short Course in Calculus for Natural Science Majors
Short Course in Calculus is a "bottle-neck" math class for various natural science majors. This project is to redesign a traditional lecture class into a flipped classroom model. The primary goal is to improve passing rate and to reinforce our campus commitment that "every enrolled student will experience at least two High Impact Practices (HIPs) classes." |
Le, Sunny | CSU Fullerton |
Business Calculus Online Course Redesign for Student Engagement
The primary goal of the redesign is to support the University's Strategic plan in improving student persistence and increasing graduation rates. Due to the high demand and low performance of the Business Calculus course, we will leverage the use of the online environment to engage students in an alternate environment to learn, even perhaps those who shy away from mathematics. Making the course fully online and not dependent on a physical class space, will give access to a greater number of students in order to improve graduation rates. A fully online model will give students more choices to complement a variety of learning styles. |
Norman, Kimberly | CSU Fullerton |
Calculus Course Redesign with Technology for Active Learning
Calculus I is a STEM gateway course with a high D/F/W course at CSUMB. In this redesign, I sought to reduce D/F/W rates and improve student conceptual understanding through the use of active learning and formative assessment. |
Lynch, Alison | CSU Monterey Bay |
Active and Engaged Learning in Calculus Course Redesign
In this project, I seek to improve student success and engage students more actively in the learning process. I will record screencasts of mini-lectures online for students to watch prior to class sessions, and will develop active-learning materials for students to work on in small groups during class sessions. I will also create a course reader for students that I will make freely available on the course webpage; the course reader will assist students in engaging in more focused ways with the course content. I will develop online assessments for students so that they are able to receive immediate feedback on their work. |
Paquin, Dana | Cal Poly San Luis Obispo |
Calculus with WebWork and Just-in-time Remediation
The redesigned course will use online homework available through WebWork, together with Supplemental Instruction. The online homework will use existing problems in the WebWork library where appropriate problems exist, but we expect that we will need to write more conceptually oriented problems. We will work on constructing "Just-in-time" adaptive sequences of problems that address the gaps in student understanding. Some of these problems may be those used in our related redesign projects in precalculus and college algebra. Along the way we hope to gain a fuller picture of our students. We want to answer the question "Why didn't they get that?" Often the reason is some deficit from years back in their education. |
Cramer, Scott | CSU San Bernardino |
Integrating Adaptive Learning Technologies to Augment and Align Business Calculus
This course is required for many BS degrees such as Business Administration and Industrial Technology, and it fulfills the requirement for GE and the majors of Mathematical Concepts and BS in Aviation. This is a course with high demand (930) and low success (27%), and almost all sections are taught by temporary faculty and the workshops are led by facilitators (students). The project will leverage adaptive learning technologies and online homework system to align student learning experiences and integrate active learning strategies, inside and outside class, throughout the main class (Math71), and the concurrent workshop (Math71W), including instructors, facilitators, and students. It will help students succeed at higher rates and to be involved in active communities of learners and achieve their degree at a faster rate while encouraging their degree interests. |
Yahdi, Mohammed | San Jose State |
Enhancing Student Success in Math
In order to enhance student success not only in this course, but in subsequent college level general education math courses, students will be using an adaptive learning program to complete assignments outside the classroom. In class activities will focus on topics that all students are ready to learn. |
Moore, Natalia | CSU Stanislaus |
A Flipped Version of Calculus II
Math 150B is a prerequisite for an extremely long list of courses, important both within the math major, and across several colleges, which served over 1300 students in 2015-2016, and had nearly 47% earn repeatable grades, with an average GPA of about 1.65. This course desperately needs not just a facelift, but an overhaul. Currently, the course offers a passive learning environment, focusing almost exclusively on procedural knowledge and leaving lesser-prepared students unrecognized and with little chance of remediation once they fall behind. This project aims to create an active learning environment using a flipped classroom model, and to reestablish the course as one that teaches both conceptual understanding as well as procedural fluency. |
Glesser, Adam | CSU Fullerton |
Redesigning Pre Calculus Using Adaptive Learning and Student Engagement
The main goal of this project is to address the following issues: (1) gaps in student preparation and conceptual understanding, and (2) feedback on homework using various adaptive technologies such as online homework and supplemental materials. |
Nazzal, Lamies | CSU San Bernardino |
Business Math Using ALEKS Hmk and Supplemental Instruction
One of the major tasks in this project is adapting a course developed on a semester-based campus (CSUN) to one on a quarter-based campus (CSUEB). We will also need to modify the lecture notes to fit our syllabus. Besides adapting CSUN's Math 103 materials (textbook, lecture notes, workbook, Webwork problems), I am trying to integrate one of CSUEB's recently-created Institutional Learning Outcomes of promoting diversity and social justice into each course. |
Yap, Shirley | CSU East Bay |
Pre-Calculus (Math 130) Course Redesign with Online Homework
By redesigning lecture materials, lab activities, and homework assignments, we will increase student knowledge and deepen their understanding of course concepts. Our goal is to improve course pass rates and to give students a solid foundation to support subsequent Mathematics courses. |
Hu, Hongde | CSU Monterey Bay |
Hybrid Labs for Entry Level Math
We focused on improving student success in entry level math classes in the California State University and California Community College System. Our consortium has developed an innovative, technology-enhanced hybrid course model that has significantly improved course completion and content mastery outcomes in entry-level mathematics courses. The model relies on five primary components that are carefully articulated to create a reliable "flow of learning" for students. |
Stevenson, Katherine | CSU Northridge |
Hybrid Business Calculus Course Using ALEKS and Group Projects
In Precalculus Algebra, we worked to improve the degree to which the course prepares students for calculus. We collaborate with Course Redesign teams in Calculus to improve our measures of student preparedness. |
Newberger, Florence | CSU Long Beach |
MATH 122 Adaptive Learning Homework
This course traditionally has a very low success rate and acts as a bottleneck for the academic programs of students in STEM fields. We do have historical data that identify students `at risk" based on past courses and exam scores. We aim to increase student success through a coordinated combination of online homework sets, weekly remediation for the at-risk students, and milestone examinations. |
Brevik, John | CSU Long Beach |
Redesign Calculus I Through Supplemental Instruction
The goal of Calculus I redesign is to increase student success in the course. There are three major components in the redesign: Supplementary Instruction, Course Note Outlines and Instructional Videos. |
Raczkowski, Sophia | CSU Bakersfield |
Pre-Calculus Using Online Homework and Clickers
Pre-Calculus I at SDSU is taught in large, 200-500 student lecture sections. The large enrollment classes were proving difficult to staff and therefore the faculty attempted to implement online-only classes. The first such course posted a failure rate of over 50%. Two major innovations have been undertaken to rectify this situation: (a) the use of small, weekly study groups taught by undergraduates to supplement the online instruction; and (b) an inverted classroom format with the use of peer tutors during a face to face class that is divided into pods of 20-25 students. This report focuses on the second of these innovations. |
Rasmussen, Chris | San Diego State |
Calculus I Using Peer Instructors and Clickers
Calculus I at SDSU is taught in large, 125-175 student lecture sections with smaller break-out sessions once per week. The current D/F/W rate has averaged around 30%, which we find to be unacceptable. The reasons for this rate are numerous, and differ from those that cause students difficulties in other classes such as Calculus II. In general, research has shown that these students are encountering new ideas that require conceptual understanding and visualization skills, which demand new types of studying methods and content presentation. We are trying four specific interventions: Peer tutors, Client-discipline Projects, interactive technology, and Weekly analytics reports. |
Bowers, Janet | San Diego State |
Precalc Algebra Hybrid with Supplemental Instruction and ALEKS
Increasing the quality of student engagement through the incorporation of technology for initial and ongoing assessment, as well as instant in lecture feedback has led to positive impact on passing rates. Future goals include attempting to incorporate robust supplemental instruction in response to student performance on initial assessment, and tracking student retention of core competencies in subsequent courses. |
Suaray, Kagba | CSU Long Beach |
Using Supplemental Instruction in Mathematics
This project sought to strengthen the achievement of students enrolled in high-impact mathematics courses. While SI is targeting key courses rather than particular groups of students, a secondary benefit of SI was to help reduce the achievement gap between groups of students who have traditionally been underrepresented in the STEM fields. |
Bonsangue, Marty; Thune, Ashley | CSU Fullerton |
Calculus I Redesign with Supplemental Instruction and ALEKS
We have chosen a two-pronged approach to improving student achievement in Calculus 1. First, we offer a preparation for calculus course through the ALEKS system for students to complete within the first six weeks of the semester. The course is designed to refresh and improve students' prerequisite knowledge. Secondly, throughout the semester, we offer students to participate in Supplemental Instruction for two hours per week. |
Coughlin, Heather | CSU Stanislaus |
Flipping Calculus with Online Videos and Quizzes
In an effort to increase passing rates in first-semester Calculus, we have redesigned the way the course content is disseminated. All in-class lectures have been eliminated and replaced with online videos for students to view outside of class. Students spend in-class time actually working on solving calculus problems and receiving individualized help and coaching from their instructor. |
Kelm, Katherine | CSU Fresno |