The Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT, is an international cooperative formed for the purpose of aggregating and making freely accessible high quality online resources to improve learning and teaching within higher education. MERLOT's organization and services are administered by the California State University and connect higher education systems, consortiums, and institutions, professional societies and organizations of academic disciplines, corporations, and individual members to form a community of people who strive to enrich the teaching and learning experiences with technologies.
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Funded by the U.S. Department of Labor in 2014, California State University and MERLOT designed and implemented the national, open library of workforce programming and training materials called SkillsCommons at The SkillsCommons library is open for educators, workforce development staff, human resources staff, and individual workers and provides free and easy access to the innovative training materials across a wide variety of industry sectors that can be adopted and adapted for the local use.
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